Volume calculator
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Volume: Volume weight:Airfreight
Usually, airfreight rates are calculated over the actual weight.
But if you ship light but large items (bikes, refrigerators, furniture, surfboards), the airline will charge you over the volume: the space it takes inside the aircraft.
Seafreight rates are always calculated over volume: the space it takes inside the ship, in cubic meters.
Usually, road transport rates are calculated over the actual weight.
But if you ship light but large items (bikes, refrigerators, furniture, surfboards), you will be charged over the volume: the space it actually occupies inside the car, converted into volume kilo’s.
Usually, courier rates are calculated over the actual weight.
But if you ship light but large items (bikes, refrigerators, furniture, surfboards), you will be charged over the volume: the space it actually occupies inside the aircraft or car, converted into volume kilo’s. Use the volume calculator to check if the volume charge is applicable.