All you need to know about our airfreight services
- Suitable for excess baggage for travellers, any packages, small removals
- Up till arrival at the airport of destination, local charges are applicable
- The progress of the transport can be tracked online
- Contact details at destinations are provided for assistance in customs clearing and if wished home delivery
Airfreight, all you need to know
- What is Airfreight?
Airfreight or Air cargo is the unaccompanied transportation of goods between 2 airports. WBS issues per consignment an Airwaybill with a unique and on the WBS-website traceable number. On this transport document the contact details of the airline at destination are also mentioned. - Rates
The rates are calculated per kilo, the more weight you send, the lower the rate will be. WBS charges a fixed service fee of Euro 35.00 per consignment.
The airlines calculate on a volume-ratio basis. This means that for light and/or oversized items, such as bicycles and furniture, the calculation may be over the volume weight. The calculator automatically calculates the volume weight of your goods to send. WBS can book your consignment on any airline.
In case you fly yourself, WBS prefers to book your consignment on the same Airline. This may be another airline as mentioned in the tariff on this site. The rates may differ. - WBS will need:
- Name, address or contact-details both in The Netherlands as at destination. If possible, physical addresses; a post-box address may not be accepted. You fill in these details on our booking form. In case you fly yourself, sender and consignee are the same person; WBS will make a copy of your ticket as well, to be attached to the documents. Customs at destination can see it concerns a shipment of unaccompanied baggage. Although in principle the transportation is between airports only, for the airwaybill and because of security reasons full name and address details are required.
- A list of contents or packing list.
- A copy of ID or passport. If you deliver at one of our offices, WBS will make a copy.
- Delivery to Schiphol
You can deliver your goods to our location at Schiphol Airport. Check our opening hours!
You fill in a booking form and WBS will make a copy of your ID/passport. Your items will be measured and weighed, WBS will make a transport booking and issue your invoice. This will take about 15 to 30 minutes.- Vrachtcentrum Particulieren: consignments should be delivered at our warehouse.
- Pick up: fill in the booking form
WBS can pick up from your home address. You can calculate the pickup charges at the rates on our website, by inserting your postal code. Fill in the booking form on the homepage; insert the wished day of collection and the wished arrival date at destination. We would like to have an indication of the expected measurements and total weight as well.
In case goods are collected from your home address:- Send in the booking form at least 2 days prior.
- The booking will be confirmed within 1 working day.
- Pick-ups are possible on weekdays only, make sure someone is available all day.
- The driver will phone you when he is nearby.
- The goods must be ready for a quick and smooth loading. The driver may expect assistance.
- Within 1 working day you will receive per e-mail the booking details, our invoice and payment instructions.
- Payment
Payment must be effected prior to departure. WBS will advise the ultimate payment date and time. A quick way of payment is via our payment system. You can pay with iDeal, PayPal and credit card.
At our office you can pay in cash, with pin or credit card. With regard to the administrative burden, WBS will accept credit card payments up till € 2000,00. - At destination
- You have to contact the airline yourself for arrival details and further instructions.
- At destination local terminal charges must be paid. This is a sort of airport tax for cargo.
To compare, sort like charges at Schiphol Airport:
– till 200kg ca € 35.00 till 50.00
– over 200kg ca € 0.08 p/kilo extra
– after 1 or 2 days, also storage will be charged.
At some destinations due to security or local regulations, costs may be higher. - At non EU destinations the consignee or interested party must arrange customs clearance. At Schiphol Airport you can (still) do it yourself, it will take half a day and there are no charges, except duty/tax if any over the contents. In general, used personal effects are free for importation. The shipping line, nor WBS has any influence on customs regulations in any country. You can also outsource the clearance procedure to a local agent. Around any international airport are numerous agents who are eager to offer their services. You can ask the Airline for a reliable agent. Indication of charges are ca euro 75,00. In case of the unforeseen, e.g. customs inspections, there will be extra charges.
You can also request the Shipping Lines’ agent to deliver at your home address.
Note: in some countries the clearing procedure must be effected by a licensed agent, you are not allowed to do this yourself.
Tip: you can ask the Airline or agent to deliver the goods to your home address.
Important: before you sign for receipt, you check if the goods are intact. If damaged a remark there to must be made. If you sign for a clean receipt, any complaint or claim will not be accepted later on. - Flight planning
At the booking you can indicate the preferred date of arrival. Depending on flight-frequencies and security procedures, the first flight out usually will be 1 or 2 days later. In weekends WBS can accept consignments in the passenger terminal, however WBS cannot deliver for any flight.
Note: Prior to departure, WBS can hold your consignment for a maximum of 4 weeks free of charge. Keep the above in mind while making your planning. - Packing
Packing is the responsibility of the sender. Good packing will guarantee a safe arrival. Read the packing requirements. - Safety, Security
Consult the list with Dangerous Goods that are not allowed in your hand luggage or send as cargo. Note that for Airfreight security all cargo will be X-rayed. - Insurance
A consignment is not automatically insured. In any case the Conditions of Transport are applicable, the maximum legal liability of the Airline is ca USD 20,00 per kilo. Just read here if a separate transport insurance is needed. - Responsibility, liability of WBS
WBS acts as intermediate between the principal (you) and the actual carrier. At the moment that WBS hands over the goods in tact to the carrier, the carrier will be responsible and liable. In case of a complain, of course WBS will assist.
On all the activities of WBS are applicable the Dutch Forwarding Conditions, latest version.
Airfreight rates
Calculate the airfreight rates.