Local charges with Sea freight
Terminal charges and outside E.U. customs clearance
1. Terminal charges
At destination local terminal charges are payable to the Shipping Lines’ agent for unloading, stripping the container and to store goods in the warehouse. The costs for part consignments can be relatively high due to the fact that normally bigger shipments arrive by ocean freight. These costs differ worldwide per country.
To compare the sort like charges in Rotterdam:
– documentation, etc. euro 80,00 till 125,00
– per m3, also minimum euro 80.00
– after a few days or weeks , also storage will be charged.
At some destinations due to security or local regulations, costs may be higher.
2. Outside EU: customs clearance
At non EU destinations the consignee or interested party must arrange customs clearance. In general, used personal effects are free of duty or tax. The shipping line, nor WBS has any influence on Customs regulations in any country!
The clearing procedure can be best outsourced to the Shipping Lines’ agent. However you are free to choose any agent, around any port are agents who are willing to offer their services.
Indication of charges are ca euro 75,00 – 100,00.
In case of unforeseen, customs inspections, there will be extra charges.
You can also request the Shipping Lines’ agent to deliver at your home address.